
I received many Revelations that Eternal Night, as We Conversed for All Time until the Hours brought Dawn. 
I now bask in the Glory of the Risen Sun, and now Revere it as all Life always has. 

The Red Bodies mingle, Their Flesh becomes One, and I One Too. 
We unite at the Parts Where the Sigils do Sign. The Mountain body Cradles me, and the Flame stokes my Yolk. 
The Air turns Liquid, first Thick and then Thin, first Chill and then Warm. 
With Golden Milk filling my Lungs, my own joins it. 
I have learned where the Water brings Safety, and where the Aquatic find Home. 
The Sun rises on the Palace, Atlantis, and at Last, I have come Home.

The Red Names perform their picture Show, and Fascinate mine Eyes with shimmering Glimpses. 
Each more Sight than can Ever be Named...